Creating a truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive (DEI) workplace has myriad benefits for organizations in all sectors, but achieving it requires diligence, patience, and persistence. Multiple common barriers must be overcome in the process. These barriers include unconscious biases, fear of the unknown, and the mistaken belief that hiring diverse candidates is enough to check the box on DEI. In this blog, we will explore how to overcome these hurdles and create a workplace culture where everyone feels an authentic sense of belonging.

Unconscious Biases

One of the most significant barriers to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is unconscious bias. These are the subtle, often unexamined attitudes and stereotypes that we hold about particular individuals and groups of people. Everyone has unconscious biases, and they can manifest in ways that are harmful to people from diverse backgrounds. For example, you might unconsciously associate leadership qualities with male candidates or assume that someone with a non-Western name won’t be the “right fit” for the team.

The solution to overcoming unconscious biases is education and training. By educating employees about the impact of unconscious biases, you can help them recognize and challenge their assumptions. Ongoing training can help ensure that employees are aware of the biases they may hold and can work to mitigate them. Additionally, it’s essential to have diverse teams involved in the hiring process so that different perspectives can be considered from the earliest stages of screening candidates.

Fear of the Unknown

Another barrier to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace is fear of the unknown. Often, employees are more comfortable working with people who look, talk, and think like they do, and they may have anxieties about working with people from different backgrounds. This fear can manifest in different ways, such as avoiding collaborating or socializing with colleagues whose backgrounds and life experiences are different than one’s own.

To overcome this barrier, organizations should create an environment where employees feel comfortable engaging with co-workers from diverse backgrounds. This can include networking events or team-building activities that bring people together. Additionally, it’s essential to create an inclusive workplace culture where employees feel valued and supported regardless of their ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, or other unique characteristic. This can help to break down the barriers of fear and help employees feel more comfortable working alongside colleagues from diverse backgrounds.

Believing That Hiring Diverse Candidates Is Enough

Some companies and their leaders mistakenly believe that hiring diverse candidates is enough to “check the box” on DEI. However, this is just the beginning of the process. Hiring diverse talent is a critical first step, but it’s essential to create an environment where employees from diverse backgrounds feel valued, included, and supported. Failure to do so can lead to high turnover rates and counteract any progress made towards diversity goals.

The solution is to create a culture of inclusion. This can include providing training on cultural differences, celebrating different cultures and traditions, and fostering a welcoming environment for all employees from diverse backgrounds. Additionally, it’s crucial to provide opportunities for employees to develop and advance, regardless of their background. When employees see that the organization values and rewards the contributions of all employees, they are more likely to feel included and engaged.

Persistence and Effort Required

Finally, creating a diverse and inclusive workplace requires a sustained, intentional effort. It is not a one-time event or quick fix. It is an ongoing process that requires continual attention, evaluation, and tweaking. It may take years to create a truly inclusive workplace, but the benefits are significant, including increased innovation, employee engagement, and retention.

Organizations must commit to creating an inclusive workplace over the long term. This involves ongoing education and training, regular assessments of progress, and continuous efforts to improve inclusivity at all levels of the organization. It is also important for leaders to lead by example, modeling the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and championing these efforts in all facets of their daily work.


Creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace is not an easy task, but it’s a critical one. By recognizing and overcoming common barriers like unconscious biases, fear of the unknown, and the mistaken belief that hiring diverse candidates is enough, organizations can create a culture of inclusion that benefits all employees. Through education and training, creating a welcoming workplace culture, and committing to long-term efforts, organizations will create an environment that values diversity and the unique perspectives and skills that each employee brings.