Karen Tiber Leland

Diversity Interview Series: A Discussion with Karen Tiber Leland, CEO, and founder, Sterling Marketing Group

As founder, president, and CEO of Sterling Marketing Group, Karen Tiber Leland heads a strategic communications company that provides brand guidance...

virutal interview

Life Sciences Executive Recruiting During COVID-19: The Case for Virtual Hiring

‘Business as usual’ has taken on an entirely new meaning for life sciences companies in the age of COVID-19 as they...

transition coaching

Pathway to Success: Slone Partners Offers Transition Coaching for Newly-Placed Executive Leaders

One of the most significant events for any business is a high-level executive transition. Yet not all executives turn out to...


Responding to COVID-19: Lessons Learned from our Remote Work Experience

Warfare and other moments of great national urgency often spawn momentous innovations that change our way of life. The current coronavirus...


Commentary: Five Strategies for Companies to Attract Top Talent in this Market

With the nation’s economy churning on all cylinders and the labor market stretched thin, many companies are having to work harder...


Commentary: Sustaining the Life Sciences Boom in California

Maintaining the current momentum in California’s life sciences hinges on industry leaders. Commentary by Leslie Loveless, Special to California Business Journal....

Leslie Loveless

Slone Partners CEO Leslie Loveless Discusses 2019 Life Sciences Hiring Strategies With STAT

This year will likely prove to be a banner year for new and seasoned corporate life sciences executives looking to change...